Theresa Moodie

Theresa Moodie Wellness

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24 months ago

What is Yoga Nidra and what are the benefits of Yoga Nidra

Mindfulness Stress Management Yoga

What is Yoga Nidra and what are the benefits of Yoga Nidra

I always recommend the practice of Yoga Nidra to my clients.

But what is Yoga Nidra?

Yoga nidra or Yogic sleep is a sleep state of consciousness. The space between falling into a deep sleep and deep relaxation is where Yoga nidra works. It is a complete physical, metal and emotional relaxation.

Yoga Nidra is a state in which the body is totally relaxed. The practitioner becomes systematically and increasingly aware of their inner world by following a set of verbal instructions which combine breath awareness, rotation of consicousness and visualisation techniques. 

Meditation typically requires concentration on a single focus. Which can be very challenging, particularly for beginners. In yoga nidra the practitioner remains in a state of light withdrawal of the 5 senses (pratyahara). Four of his or her senses are internalised and it is only the sense of hearing that remains connected.

Both Yoga nidra and meditation intend to encourage deep relaxation and a state of heightened intuition.

Our modern day lifestyles are highly demanding, stressful and competitive. Yoga Nidra is an accessible tool to alleviate the symptoms we experience as a result of stress and tension.

If we can learn to relax and harmonise our own body and mind, we can improve our overall quality of life.

It is even better than a power nap!

Benefits include:

  • Reduced anxiety and tension
  • Improved sleep patterns
  • Improved concentration
  • A preparatory tool for meditation
  • A complimentary Yoga practice to the physical practice of Asana’s

The Yoga nidra you listen to should encourage you to set an intention, resolve or Sankulpa. 

You can expect a visualisation in the last stage to induce complete mental relaxation. The practice should end with the same intention you set at the beginning of the practice. The resolve should be clear and positive.

You should be guided gradually from your psychic sleep back to the waking state.

Give this short practice a try